Friday, April 16, 2010

Superintendent Luna Stops by Anser Charter School for an Interview with Students

Superintendent Luna was interviewed by Anser Charter School students today about the right to a quality education.

The students are learning about Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees the right to a quality education.  They asked Superintendent Luna about his efforts to promote and protect the right to a quality education in preparation for a Youth Human Rights Celebration they are planning on May 22nd at Anne Frank Memorial.

Here are the highlights of the interview:

Question: Do you think that budget cuts to education will make it more difficult for all students to have access to quality educational experiences?
Answer: We cannot sugar coat this. If these cuts are done wrong they will have an effect on student achievement.

Question: How does Idaho compare to other states when it comes to education?
Answer: Idaho’s math scores, as reported by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, are some of the highest in the nation.  Only eight states rank above us.  Idaho also led the nation two years in a row in the increase in the number of school making adequate yearly progress (AYP), the high academic goal set for Idaho schools as required by No Child Left Behind. However, we must begin measuring our students against students all over the world because the reality is that our students will have to compete globally, nor just nationally, for jobs.

Question: What can we do to protect and promote the right to a quality education?
Answer: 1) Show up to school every day.  2) Do your best. 3) Make your school the best it can be.

Question: At what age should students start standing up for their rights?
Answer: With rights come responsibilities.  At what age does responsibility begin?  When it comes to things like bullying and violence in schools, students should stick up for each others’ rights and say something.  That is the biggest deterrent to bullying.

-Camille W.

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